
New book suggests Nicodemus is John’s Beloved Disciple – the “Deep Throat” of the Gospels

New book suggests Nicodemus is John’s Beloved Disciple – the “Deep Throat” of the Gospels

When journalist/author Rick Michels set about to write a book on the life of Christ, he knew he was going over well tread ground. An avid reader of scholarly works on the New Testament, Michels figured he’d need to approach…
"Personal Revolution" Independence-Day Themed Short Mystery

"Personal Revolution" Independence-Day Themed Short Mystery

When a man is hanged from an oak tree in a Redcoat uniform at an historic house just before the Independence Day program, Glenda is determined to both solve the murder and protect the newly-opened museum.  What she finds is…
Publishing company L.R. Price uses crowd funding to publish book for former prisoner Michael Irwin

Publishing company L.R. Price uses crowd funding to publish book for former prisoner Michael Irwin

Publishing house L.R. Price Publications is using crowd funding to publish a book by a former prisoner.Michael Irwin, from Northern Ireland was sentenced to eleven years in prison for drug offences. Determined to turn his life around, Irwin used his…

The Apennine Sibyl – A new comprehensive website dedicated to an ancient legend and mystery

At the very heart of Italy lies a mystery that is still unsolved, despite hundreds of years of explorations. Between Umbria and Marche, in the most picturesque region of the Sibillini Mountain Range, Mount Sibyl still holds the secret that…

Indian author Krishnaveer Abhishek Challa wins prestigious Azsacra International Award

Krishnaveer Abhishek Challa is winner of AZsacra International Poetry Award - For Taj Mahal Review Dec. 2016 issue. The award is sponsored by famous Russian writer Azsacra Zarathustra. Mr. Krishnaveer Abhishek Challa (b. 1991) is currently working as Soft Skills…

Vijaya Gowrisankar – Winner of AZsacra International Poetry Award – Dec. 2015

Vijaya Gowrisankar is winner of AZsacra International Poetry Award - For Taj Mahal Review DEc. 2015 issue. The award is sponsored by famous Russian writer Azsacra Zarathustra. Vijaya began her literary journey with her first book of poems, "Inspire". She…