
A Guide to the Nurse Practitioner Career Path
Nurse practitioners are advanced-level nurses that have more responsibilities compared to a registered nurse. The demand for nurse practitioners is currently increasing rapidly across the country. One of the biggest reasons why healthcare employers are looking to hire more nurse…

Black In Tech: Panel Discussion Celebrates Women Veterans, Calls for Increased Diversity
Sista Circle: Black Women in Tech (SC: BWiT), a solidarity group dedicated to supporting the work of Black Women in the technology industry, today announced that Women Veterans worldwide are invited to kick off Women's History Month with a free…

Exploring the Growing Trend of Hospitals Partnering with Universities
In recent years there has been a growing trend in which hospitals are partnering more and more with universities. There are actually a number of reasons why this makes good sense, but the actual need for this partnership is literally…

How to start your teaching career if you already have a job
If teaching has long been a dream career move, but you are already entrenched in a job which takes up every working day of the week, then you may lose hope in the switch ever happening. This is understandable because…

Highest Paying CompTIA Certifications
A career in IT is one of the most prestigious and growing fields, and it is expected to grow in the coming years. However, in IT, there are many fields where you can find a career, but you just have…

The Top 6 Advantages & Benefits To A Career In Social Work
There are more than a few professional careers in which the individual faces daily challenges (both professionally and on a personal level), but which are counter-balanced by the plethora of meaningful and overwhelming rewards that also come with the role.…

What Jobs Can I Get by Doing Fashion Management Course in India?
The fashion industry is more than fashion designers and models. It also requires the services of a Fashion Manager, who runs and manages their business. He is involved with coming up with innovative strategies (marketing, product, segmenting, merchandising, pricing, export,…

Optimizing Your CV for ATS Algorithms
The internet has completely revolutionized the job searching landscape. In the past, it was a norm to fill traditional resumes and then speak to a small local business manager. Aside from driving a gorge of incompetent selection and discriminating employee…

5 Tips for Staying Calm During a Job Interview
Keeping calm during a job interview is often easier said than done. Maybe you already set the bar high if you worked with a CV writing service and got the employer's attention with your impeccable CV?. However, while your resume, experience, skills,…

Becoming a Nurse: A Guide for Career Changers
It is not uncommon for people who are starting in the world of work to choose a career path that they have not thoroughly researched, which is primarily based on their personal circumstances or location at the time. In many…

What can a background check find out about you?
With a digital era upon us, it’s no surprise that people are becoming protective of their information online. With fraud and identity theft on the rise, safeguarding and protecting our details is important. Most professionals know the importance of using…

Is Becoming A Surgeon Worth the Risk?
When you are thinking about the kind of career path that you will follow, you’ll have a tough decision to make. Many young people have no idea what they want to do with their lives whilst others have a clear…

How Modern Techs Can Help You Enhance Your Skills and Pick Lucrative Career
Our life becomes closely intertwined with technologies and devices. We think that apps and smartphones hinder us from studying, while more and more colleges integrate tools in their educational programs. We believe that social media are designed solemnly to have…

Here’s A Detailed Guide To Help You Kickstart Your YouTube Career During The Lockdown
With over 2 billion monthly logged-in viewers, YouTube is the largest video sharing platform and world's #2 website that has in its list over a third of all internet users. YouTube makes it possible for even a novice videographer to…

The Top Challenges to Your Career and How to Overcome Them
However, although everyone faces issues in the workplace throughout their life, they do not spell the end of your career. Here is a guide to how you can overcome some of the major obstructions to a fruitful and exciting career.…

A Guide to Advancing Your Nursing Career
As a nurse, you likely spend every minute of the working day caring for patients and striving to improve their quality of life. While dedication to the role is key to patient outcomes, it doesn’t need to come at the…

4 Ways to Boost Your Career Prospects
It can be a daunting prospect thinking about how you’re going to get on the career ladder and what you would even like to do as a job. You may not even have any idea of which industry is of…

How to turn a solo translation career into a business
Being good with languages means you’re ideally placed to consider a career in translation. But what about if you have a strong entrepreneurial streak as well? In those cases, there’s the potential to turn a solo translation career into a…
3rd Annual Michigan Women's History Month Career Mastered Class of 2017 Announced
The Career Mastered Awards Class of 2017 will be honored during the 3rd Annual Michigan Women’s History Month Leadership in Action Awards Dinner on Wednesday, March 1, 2017 at The Henry Autograph Collection Hotel in Dearborn, Michigan. Retired Legendary News…
Crush the CPA Exam Releases Scholarship Program
Crush The CPA Exam is an invaluable resource dedicated to helping candidates apply, study for and pass the CPA exam. There’s no better way to accomplish this than to offer a scholarship program to help finance your exam and study materials.…