What Can OnycoSolve Do About Toenail Fungus
Press Release (ePRNews.com) - SOUTHFIELD, Mich. - Mar 15, 2017 - Toenail fungus, also famous as onychomycosis, is the invisible scourge that causes quite visible deterioration to human feet and nails. What makes these fungi even more insidious is their talent to infect the skin from unsuspected places – lurking in some pools, saunas, shoes, fabrics , and surfaces – and not in other! So it is quite impossible to objectively connect your possession of onychomycosis with a particular place you visited (or touched).
Nevertheless, there are several working solutions to mount a counterattack against the persistent toenail fungus. And the sooner we commence treatment, the greater chance we have of winning the battle. One of the things we can use (hoping) to obliterate our toenail fungus is… vinegar. Yes, vinegar. And another is baking soda. As jokey as those two fixes might sound, they have some surprisingly reliable antiseptic properties that can help kill the colony of fungi on your feet – without entailing health risks like antifungal pills do.
For those who are not down with the idea of soaking your feet in vinegar, here’s another option, something made from natural ingredients, producing satisfying fungus-begone results. It is a spray called OnycoSolve and it helps to solve onychomycosis. The product became popular mainly via healthy living websites, herbal treatment forums, and bio markets. In order to destroy fungal infections OnycoSolve is enriched with silver particles – an antibacterial compound that removes moisture, sweating, itchiness, making foot skin conditions so unbearable to the fungi that they perish.
Moreover, OnycoSolve Sprayis a not only a more pleasantly-smelling alternative of the vinegar treatment, but it also is an antifungal method that produces almost zero negative side effects.
The product is not sold in pharmacies and can be ordered only from the official website of the manufacturer – http://www.onycosolve.com
Source : Onycosolve LLC