Optimizing Your CV for ATS Algorithms

Optimizing Your CV for ATS Algorithms

The internet has completely revolutionized the job searching landscape. In the past, it was a norm to fill traditional resumes and then speak to a small local business manager. Aside from driving a gorge of incompetent selection and discriminating employee selection, manual recruitment consumes a mammoth of resources.

Eline van den Dolder, a contributor working for Adviesjagers, insinuates that online application is a double-edged sword for everyone involved. Given that there is no need to physically fill out forms and send cover letters with attached resumes via mail, recruiters can select the best candidate using an applicant tracking system.

“Technological revolution has simplified the work of hiring managers of dealing with thousands of applicants every week. As more than 94% of Holland companies rely on ATS software, the versatility that comes with this software points to increased efficiency, hiring quality and reporting,” she says.

For applicants, getting a resume past the system into human hands becomes the preliminary recruitment step. Luckily, getting past the algorithm is a lot easier than most people might think.

Resume Formatting

When you upload your resume, the recruiter will probably not view the file. Some ATS software covert the resume into a digital profile, making some crucial information slip into the cracks.

This means that vital strong points might get distorted and minimize the chances of you getting the job. A recent expert Summit featured by Eprnews unravelled that identifying correct keywords to add to the CV and online professional profiles give applicants a better rating by the ATS software.

The industry you’ve applied for also matters when it comes to optimizing keywords to search for. Aside from identifying hard skills under your responsibilities, optimize for the required responsibilities.

Target Titles

Always use standard job titles in your headline to increase the odds of the software picking it up. Complex formatting could quickly get the software tripped up and, if they pass the algorithm, won’t get the attention of the human eye.

However much it may sound odd to get rid of complex graphical elements that the software might struggle to comprehend, everything that might create a problem should go. Keeping every title simple by ensuring you’re only including the relevant keywords aligns your CV with the role you’re applying for.

Spelling and Grammar

A hiring manager will be fully ready to discard an application with a spelling mistake, but with an ATS, your application won’t get human attention with the slightest of errors. While a human could comprehend what you mean from a misspelt word, the software will scan against its set of predetermined phrases. If no relevant match is found, that would mean instant rejection.

At the same time, making an ATS-friendly resume means you shouldn’t take any chances with acronyms. To guarantee safety, include the full meaning along with the abbreviation whenever relevant.

Design A Clear Hierarchy

Applicant tracking systems work like search engines. The way google algorithms scour keywords for a particular search query then give the best possible match is the same way the software finds the best candidates.

In an interview with The HR Director for Source Capital Funding, the top reason 75% of applicants get phased out of consideration is overusing complex designs. When it comes to your template design, a minimalistic approach is more. In addition to confusing applicant tracking systems, complex graphics may annoy recruiters accustomed to quickly scanning resumes for relevant information found in specific areas of the document.



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